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Banana popcorn bars

Updated: Jul 25, 2020

This is definitely one of my favourite go-to and guilt-free health delight!

Being a whole grain, popcorns are naturally high in numerous important nutrients, and it contains a suprisngly large amount of antioxidants. 


500g/as much as you would like cooked popcorn. I like my SkinnyPops

3-4 tsp of smooth peanut butter or more depending on how much popcorns you have 

3-4 Maple syrup or more if you have a sweet tooth 

3-4 tsp of sugar replacement 

Dark chocolate for drizzles on top (optional) 

Banana slices (optional)

How to:

  1. Line a loaf tin with parchment paper

  2. Pour the peanut butter and syrup into a small saucepan and cook on low heat. Whisk until the mixture is well mixed and runny. 

  3. Mix the popcorn and the running batter in a large bowl and press down into the tin

  4. Lay the banana slices on top and drizzle the melted dark chocolate on top. 

  5. Freeze for 2-3 hours then slice and dice and enjoy! 

Tag me on Instagram if you make this! @Food_surgeon_uk #foodsurgeon

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